Pagoda Chinese Restaurant

Note: this place is closed and a new one, called "Pagoda Express" is now open.

This is a Chinese place in the heart of touristic Limassol, which actually pleasantly surprised me.

The restaurant is not a ordinarily Chinese take-away - they have beautiful dining area with an aquarium and great service. They are usually fully booked on Thursdays, when they have all-you-can-eat buffet. On the other days it can also be crowded, so book in advance. The food is the best Chinese in Limassol and one of the best in Cyprus.

The menu boasts all Chinese clichees - from enormous soups to equally large sweet and sour pork or proper Peking duck. They also have sushi (why?) and deserts.

Personally I would come there as often as possible when I don't want a typical Cypriot-Chinese take-away. The food is proper, like in London't Chinatown, the look and feel is just SO much better that in other Chinese places in Limassol. I would take a huge bowl of the hot-and-sour soup, add some tender but crispy properly served beautiful Peking duck and polish it with crispy, aromatic and tasty sweet-and-sour pork.

The portions are big enough for two. The buffet is all-you-can-eat, on Thursdays only. And it's very cheap for this interior and taste.

The score: taste 9/10, value 8/10, coziness 7/10

Date published
34.700744, 33.091225